My academic CV is available here.
My main research interests lie somewhere in the intersection of mathematics, logic, and theoretical computer science.
Duality theory : Stone-like dualities for lattices, Heyting algebras, and modal algebras
Modal and intuitionistic logic : temporal logics, Gödel translations, Blok-Esakia theorems
Lattice theory
Categorical methods in logic
Other topics that I'm interested in, but have never studied in-depth, include the following.
Co-algebra : automata theory, co-induction
Topos theory
Locale theory
Point-free topology
Current research
My current research is an extension of my MSc Logic thesis (details in the education page). I continue to study the temporal Heyting calculus via algebraic, topological, and frame-theoretic methods.
Past research
In 2019, I was awarded a UROP grant to work as a research assistant at the Linguistics Semantics Lab at Boston University. My work sought to use field theory to apply the algebra of dimensions (as in dimensional analysis in physics) to a formal semantics ontology with the goal of giving a compositional account for complex unit terms such as « twenty feet per second » . The work was presented at the 2020 NYU Philosophy of Language Workshop as the subject of an invited talk.