
Master of Science : Logic

In August 2024, I completed both the Mathematics and Philosophy tracks of the MSc Logic at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation at the University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Below is an exhaustive list of the courses I took for credit during this program. (Sorry, this doesn't render well on mobile at the moment.)


My thesis was written on the temporal Heyting calculus, a temporal intuitionistic logic, under the supervision of Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida and Nick Bezhanishvili. In it, I study the logic via algebraic, topological, and frame-theoretic methods. I develop an Esakia duality for the corresponding classes of algebras and spaces, and I use the duality to establish several properties of the logic and the variety. I also authored a symbolic model-checker for the logic (more information in the Symbolic model-checkers section of the software page). Other than my supervisors, my thesis committee was comprised of Benno van den Berg (chair) with independent experts Yde Venema and Fan Yang. The abstract and the full text are available here and the slides, as presented at the thesis defence, are available here.


In Spring 2023, I completed a project on Dedekind-MacNeille completions under the supervision of Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida and Nick Bezhanishvili. The goal of the project was to study the completions of a wide variety of classes of structures (posets, distributive lattices, Heyting algebras, modal algebras, etc.) and gain an understanding of when a class of structures is « closed » under the operation. An unexpected result of the investigation was the discovery of a purely algebraic representation of the Dedekind-MacNeille completions of so-called « opinionated » varieties (§4.2 of the report). The slides, as presented to the department in June 2023, can be found here and the full report can be accessed here.


In January 2023, I completed a mini-course called Topology in and via Logic under the supervision of Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida, Søren Brinck Knudstorp, and Nick Bezhanishvili. This provided an intensive introduction to general topology with a focus on applications to logic. As a final presentation, I presented with 2 other students on Stone duality as well as its generalisation to locales.

In June 2023, I completed a mini-course called The Algebra of Logic under the supervision of Tommaso Moraschini and Nick Bezhanishvili. This provided an intensive introduction to algebraic logic. As a final project, I submitted, with two other students, a report on order algebraisable logics, presenting Raferty's 2013 paper on the topic within the context of our course.

Bachelor of Arts : Mathematics, Linguistics, and Philosophy

In December 2019, I completed independent BAs (triple-major) in Mathematics, Linguistics, and Philosophy at Boston University in Boston, MA, United States. For my fourth semester (Spring 2017), I completed a six-month exchange at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador.


I completed all courses necessary to complete all three majors independently, but below are some selected courses organised by the relevant department. (Sorry, this doesn't render well on mobile at the moment.)


For information on my research in formal semantics at the Linguistic Semantics Lab during my bachelor's, see the Past research section of the research page.


In Spring 2019, I took part in the Directed Reading Program in the Mathematics Department at Boston University. This included a semester-long independent study, supervised by PhD candidate Alex J. Best, in Nonstandard Analysis (i.e. the hyperreals), concluding in a presentation to the department. The slides are available here.